Real growth requires visibility and you're ready to be seen now.

This time it'll be in a way that plays to your strengths and yields the greatest rewards for you and your business.  

This time your visibility will be at a price you are willing to pay.

It will be with purpose. It will look and feel like you. It will add value to your audience AND to your business. 

Most of all, your visibility will not steal your energy or be some shotgun exercise of hoping something will finally stick at the wall, any wall.  This will be strategic, results focused and systematic so you can enjoy the journey as you go.

Okay, let's check where you are right now.

If you've done Stages One and Two of my 3 Stage Process, you'll have nailed your positioning AND you'll have built the engine that drives your business growth. 

You're ready to be seen by more of the people you want to reach and pull them into your ecosystem.

For that you need a bigger platform. Now, when I say platform don't get sidetracked, it's just a way for you to see your own visibility strategy as a connected organism. 

That platform of yours is going to include every way you expand your reach from social, to podcasts, to books, speaking gigs, traditional media and more. 

And we'll do it in a way that makes sense, works together so you get synergistic benefits every time. No silo's allowed here. Everything has got to work together to yield the greatest return. 

That return has got to include increased revenue, increased opportunities AND impact.

This is visibility that delivers a return, flows seamlessly and grows exponentially over time.

Sounds Great, Let's Talk
Finola Howard, Marketer and Strategist, Ireland

I couldn’t recommend or speak more highly of Finola - as a guide, mentor, teacher, strategist and woman doing her work in the world.

This has honestly been one of the most important relationships on my business path. Because of course, business is also personal and she supports me on the strategic part as well as the inner, heart stuff that can sometimes defy logic.

Finola has this totally unique way of deftly shining a light on the true way forward, with expertise & calm kindness, illuminating the way that allows you to access your flow as a human so that you can do your best work. She’s magic. 

Sally Murphy, Well Told

Communications Consultant & Trainer

Say NO to visibility that gets you applause and engagement but doesn't grow your business.


Say YES to the clients that light you up, to reaching your financial goals & making your unique impact in the world. 

With Every Client I Take The Following Proven Approach

  • We will Align Your Visibility Strategy with your Brand Positioning and use it to grow your authority, prove your authenticity and build relatability with your chosen customers. We will anchor your strategically chosen content in definable spaces to maximise your reach e.g. book, podcast, blog, video etc. 
  • We will Create Content that Matches Your Sales & Marketing Funnel and create a process where every piece of content has an objective, delivers on a promise and calls your target customers to take the next action step. 
  • We will Create a Repurposing Formula that Promotes your Content 10 X Over and optimises the life of every piece of content so that more people have more ways to see it and see you. 
  • You will Learn How to Use AI & Automations. You will Learn How to Batch and Outsource so you can save time by working clever. 
  • You will Write Copy that Builds Trust and Converts. Your customers will feel what you can do for them instead of just reading about it. 
  • You will Build Campaigns that Deliver on Your Sales Goals so you can plan ahead of time & maximise your sales targets without the burnout. 
  • We will Lean into your Analytics & Leverage What's Working with Ads so you can amplify again. 
  • You will Expand Your Audience Again with Media and Speaking Opportunities in spaces you want to own by leveraging on point stories from your Own Story Bank.
  • We will Identify and Model Next Stage Roles to Amplify and Grow so you can step out of your everyday and into your zone of genius.

At the end of this process your visibility will be an integral part of your overall growth strategy. 


And you will finally have the business you always dreamed of having.

"As a highly sensitive person and business owner it was essential to me that I worked with a strategist who understood that I wanted to market my business in a way that aligned with my values and with how I like to be marketed to : With a voice that is authentic, clear but not pushy or forceful.

Finola understood that from the get go, and passionately believes the same. She has encouraged me to always listen to what feels right for me and that I get to choose how I position my brand and voice in the market."

Dr Julie Meehan

Clinical Psychologist, Parent Guide & Imperfect Parent

"Finola's approach to marketing is completely different from anything you'll see on the market. If you're looking for a quick "sales-boosting" campaign this is not the place to start. But if you're willing to take the more strategic path where at the end the story of your company is shared with everyone then she is the perfect choice.

Finola has exceptional listening, observation abilities and she will find the true story behind your company. And if you'll have the courage to tell it she will help you all the way. For us, she is the person who helped us find the "heart" behind "technology". I'll always be grateful for that!

Grzegorz Chuchra

Co-Founder & CEO of tedee, Co-Founder & Former CEO of Predica (now Software One)

Build Your Visibility Platform FAQ


So many initiatives in this space are adhoc and fragmented. The greatest synergy happens when everything you say and do works together towards a common goal. That common goal is the realisation of your purpose delivered through the medium of your business growth. 

When we are strategic in this space there is no dissonance, there is no noise just a singular, robust message of who you are, what you stand for and what you have to offer the world.

Think of this singularity like an orchestra. There are many individual instruments and each has it's own contribution to the overall harmony. Your visibility strategy is about delivering that harmony in everything you do.


What Else Do I Need to Consider to Make Sure my Marketing Works?

This is a 3 Stage Growth Process designed to build a business which is sustainable, scalable and profitable. A business that delivers the results you want for you and your life. Here are the other two stages.

This is that unique space in the market that you can call your own.

Your purpose, your values, your customers and the products & services you offer them are fully aligned. 

Your strategy is clear and your doubts are gone. It feels right because it is right for you.  

Own Your Space

You are ready to build the engine that will drive your business growth.

You are now ready to draw your customers into your eco-system, build trust and convert them with greater ease and scalability.

Make no mistake. This is about building the machine that drives your revenue.

Turn Your Engine On

Finola Howard

Business Growth Strategist with a Joyful Heart | 📕Best Selling Author: What If?🎙Top Ranked Podcast: Your Truth Shared | 🗣 Thought Provoking Speaker | 🏊‍♀️Sea Swimmer | Proud Mum 🙋‍♀️


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