Joy was how you measured success and the money proved you right!

You're amazing at what you do and yet you know you have the potential for more, perhaps even something great. But you’ve never unlocked it, and you’re tired of being in that stuck place for far too long. You want to know if fulfilling that unlocked potential of yours, is an adventure worth having at this point in your business and in your life. 

Yes, it is - when it’s on your terms and they may not be what you expect!

"What If" is a book that is about finding the courage to step into your own brilliance

and unlock the potential that’s been lying dormant inside you for so long!

I present new truths for you to consider such as the commercial value of joy, the idea that money is a worthy measure of your success and the power of your voice to shape your identity.

Order "What If" Now!

Excerpts from What If?

Take a listen to my podcast episode where I share a little of the journey I took in writing the book. I also read  some key pieces from the book that will give you a flavour of what to expect. I hope you enjoy. 

Take a Listen as I Read a Little From What If?

What readers are saying

“This is a book that pulls no punches. It’s human, real and true. Finola is a fantastical hybrid of the mentor you never knew you needed and the BFF you wish you had. She sees your potential yet calls you out when you sell yourself short. She draws attention to your ambition and capacity, yet makes it clear that “success is not a passive endeavour.” So, this is a book filled with action. In it, Finola first invites you and then takes you on a journey towards success - YOUR very own version of success.”

Gillian Fallon, Writing for Thought Leaders, Scale Ups and C Suite Executives


“What If?” is no ordinary book. It’s a love letter to that part deep inside of us that yearns for expansion.

The book felt so connected that, at times, I wasn’t sure if I was hearing the voice of Finola or the whispers of my own soul.

A beautifully written book that I will revisit again and again. Because that’s the thing about expansion. It’s an ongoing process. If we allow it to be."

Marina Branigan, Operations Partner for Brilliant Consultants and Coaches


"As a seasoned and successful business owner, mentor and community builder, Finola has blazed a red lipped trail and now stands, arms outstretched, ready to take you by the hand so that you can climb to a better place where the view is breathtaking and the air is sweet to breathe.

This book is a map, it is a manifesto and it is an essential companion for every person brave enough to listen to their own 'what if' whisper."

Sally Murphy, Author, TEDxwomen Speaker, Business Storyteller

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I offer this book as a thoughtful guide on your journey to success.

A guide through the limiting self-talk that you can choose to poke at and reframe for yourself.

Not sure if you need a guide? Okay, here are three statements I heard myself say at one point in my life and they have been echoed by so many other entrepreneurs I’ve met or worked with over the years. Do you see yourself in any of these?

  • I’m not sure I even want the success that I know is possible for me. 
  • I’m afraid that I might have to compromise who I am to get it. 
  • I’m just one person. How could I possibly make a difference in the world?

But you can make that difference and you are meant to make it. We are all meant to.

I invite you to embrace the fullness of who you are, to hear your own voice sharing your truth with the world as I have done with this book. I invite you to expand into YOU. 

Get Your Copy of "What If" Now

And when you read "What If?" you will:

  1. Stop being afraid of being vulnerable enough to show your full self; the one you haven’t fully met yourself yet. You’ll realise that this is a rite of passage for all of us in business and you’ll embrace what comes next. 

  2. Realise that the only permission you need is already yours to give and once you’ve given yourself that permission a whole new world will open up to you. You will take action that embodies this new belief in yourself and you will finally walk the path you choose. 

  3. Understand that the greatest leaps are made firstly when we remove friction and secondly when we introduce joy and purpose. You’ll start to challenge the old rules for how you navigate the path to next level success and you’ll do it with a smile on your face. 

And then a whole new world will open up to you. Don’t wait. Give that gift to yourself.

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 Pick up your copy today and then come back and get your free tools and extras to make this adventure all the richer.

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And There's More, C’mere!

Book Extras & Bonuses

There are many, many journals that went into the making of this book.

Some I just had to place my hand over and I could remember where I was at that point in my journey. 

And then there were the conversations with people who each dropped a nugget that would lead me to where I wanted to be. And I wanted to give you a few extra nuggets that will make this book and your adventure all the richer. 

Finola Howard Podcast Thumbnail Image

Some Easy Listening

Some hand picked podcast episodes of origin stories from idea, through the ups and downs and out the other side.  

A second playlist of strategic tools and a third of some practical marketing techniques that you can use today. Still easy listening because there’s always a story attached. I promise.

A Little Bit Of Fun

My log of ridiculousness. Stories of when you got told you were “too much”. We laugh in the face of them here so that they will be banished forever. 

Plus, plans to make a working rocket because rocket science really is that easy!

Tools That Change Your Game

  • The What If Canvas™ to stretch your brain and expand your limits.
  • The Brand Inside short course to help you transform the values you thought you had into behaviours that change the trajectory of your business. 
  • The Joy / Release Compass™ which will unlock your purpose and keep you moving from success to success in your business. 
  • The Business Joy Scale™ so you’ll finally have metrics for joy in your business. 
  • The Proof in Numbers, a series of case studies that show you how the numbers will prove that you were right to choose joy first.

Here's How to Get Your Extras & Bonuses

Step 1

Buy a copy of the book (print or electronic). Be sure to grab the order or receipt number, you’ll need that for the next step.

Step 2

Head back to this page and pop your order/ receipt number and other details below and you’ll get instant access to all this good stuff!

Step 3

A little ask from me. If all this resonates then please share this book with someone you feel it would help. 

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Get started today before this once in a lifetime opportunity expires.

Want to know a little more about  "WHAT IF?"

Explore the chapter headings and subheadings in the book




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More reviews for "What If"

"Finola’s book is a treasure, standing out by its raw, vulnerable journey into the heart of personal and professional growth. Through her candid sharing, she not only illuminates her own path but also reflects our vulnerabilities, encouraging us to embrace our unique voices and stories. Her wisdom, paired with practical advice, addresses the rollercoaster ride of pursuing one's purpose in our professional lives, highlighting the importance of listening to our inner whispers and the power of recognising our "too muchness" as a marker of our inherent potential."

Rachel Evers, Legal Counsel & Director of Legal Affairs at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) | Author of 'Your Personal Quest'

 "This book brings you into the crux of finding and unleashing your greatest power and joy as a business owner. No other book in its genre has brought me faster to the answers I was seeking so I could do my best work. Finola guides us with compassion and encourages us to be vulnerable enough to see how brave we are. If you’re truly ready to tackle what really matters and what really brings you joy in your work and life, as well as realise that dream financially, read this book today, now."

Elaine Rogers, The Smart OBM

"The book is punctuated with powerful one-liners that act as emotional checkpoints, stopping you in your tracks. More than once, I found these simple yet profound statements stirring something deep within me, bringing tears (I'll admit it!) and realisations that have shifted my outlook on personal and professional growth."

Debbie Jenkins, Best Selling Author, Book Coach and Publisher

Hey there, I’m Finola


I’m a Growth Strategist with a joyful heart, Host of the top ranked podcast: Your Truth Shared, Best Selling Author, Speaker, Entrepreneurial Champion and that’s just the business stuff!

My passion is in helping business owners and entrepreneurs position themselves to take that next growth leap with a sense of ease because they know it’s right for them. 

I was honoured to be listed in the Top 100 Trailblazers for 2023, one of the Top 30 Marketers who inspire in 2022 and some other accolades that I'm equally proud of. Most of all I'm honoured to take the journey with you and share what I've learned over the last 25+ years that works.